Great Links

Great Blogs and Magazines

  1. Quanta Magazine
  2. Sean Carroll - Preposterous Universe
  3. Sabine Hossenfelder - Backreaction
  4. Peter Woit - Not Even Wrong
  5. Ethan Siegel - Starts with a Bang

Great Question and Answer Web Sites

  1. Physics Forums
  2. Physics Stack Exchange
  3. Math Stack Exchange
  4. Physics Overflow - question and answer site for physics at the graduate-level and above
  5. Math Overflow - question and answer site for math at the graduate-level and above

Great Works of Science

  1. Euclid’s Elements
  2. Einstein’s 1905 Paper on Special Relativity: Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies
  3. Einstain’s 1915 Paper on General Relativity: The Field Equations of Gravitation
  4. Stephen Hawking’s 1975 paper on Black Hole evaporation, aka Hawking Radiation: Particle Creation by Black Holes